What expert thinks
1. Can’t I just use scotch tape or duct tape and obtain the same results?
2. If I get congestion while I’m asleep, won’t Godsumm prevent me from being able to breathe?
3. Why is Godsumm so expensive?
4. How is it possible for such a simple product to realign facial symmetry and fix chronic bad posture?
5. Do you have any case studies or clinical trials that you can cite as evidence?
A while back, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and for years I was unable to get a single good nights worth of sleep. This placed a physical and mental toll on my body and I didn't know what to do. During this period of time, I even noticed that there were even physical changes in my facial structure. My face became elongated, my lips no longer naturally curved up, my cheeks were beginning to sag, and I was showing early symptoms of dropped head syndrome (DHS).
All of the doctors and specialists that I went to recommended surgical treatments, but it contradicted with what I learned in dental school. The surgeries that they were pushing me to receive were only temporary fixes. I knew that after a few months, these symptoms would come back. And so, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
I discovered that gravitational pull can throw your body out of its natural state of equilibrium and have a negatively impact on your body. Over time, your jaw can gradually be pulled down and your head can start to droop. Human behavior like staring at smartphones only makes this worse. Eventually, you can develop what is called a forward head posture. Maintaining forward head posture can strain the muscles of the neck and back, leading to pain and even worse posture.
As the jaw continues to drop, your airways will become restricted and this is how snoring other sleep-related or everyday life issues can develop.
With this knowledge, I spent what little time and energy I had leftover to create GODSUMM. With my background in dentistry and mechanical engineering, I developed a blend of materials that would counteract the negative effects of gravity and to finally help me sleep in peace again.
And I did it. I used the prototype versions of GODSUMM on myself and received remarkable results. My sleep apnea was gone, my snoring disappeared, my facial features were restored, and I regained my proper posture! The image on the left is what I looked like before and the image on the right is what I looked like after a couple of months of care with the GODSUMM.
I then began to use the GODSUMM on my patients and even discovered that it naturally assisted in teeth realignment. As a result, the number of tooth extraction procedures I had to perform dropped drastically over the years.
Snoring is the first symptom that can develop into more serious medical issues.
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GODSUMM combines medical and mechanical engineering techniques to prevent snoring and teeth grinding, correct cervical posture, and gradually over time reconstruct facial symmetry.
While other tapes and strips can be crudely placed on the face, GODSUMM has been designed to be applied to strategic points on the face to create maximum effects. Our strips gently press the lips together and hold up your jaw by keeping the tongue pressed up against the roof of your mouth, give just the right amount of mouth flexibility (in case you want to talk, drink, or chew), and opens up your nasal passages for optimal breathing. Gradually you will see GODSUMM work its magic as it restores the physical integrity of your face, head, and body.
With GODSUMM's trademark secret, the blend of construction and adhesive materials. it's finally time to say goodbye to snoring, teeth grinding, bad posture, sleep apnea, and more!
This is an X-ray image of one of my male patients who used GODSUMM for 4 years.
He is a very old man (80 years old). You're probably younger than him.
You will obtain even better results than him by using GODSUMM.
Let's compare the change of the skull structure before and after.
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Recovery of the skull structure means that the airways, nasal septum, etc. have been restored.
The overnight effects are only the beginning of what GODSUMM can do for you.
The male patient shown above participated in our clinical trials for the initial prototype of GODSUMM. This man came to us with symptoms of forward head posture, distorted facial structure (as seen on the initial x-ray), and various sleep issues that occurred because of those two issues.
After using GODSUMM, this participant felt immediate effects and notified us that he no longer had a dry mouth in the morning, his sore throat disappeared, and the cold sores he usually had were no longer there.
After several months, we witnessed his posture slowly improving and he stated that his cervical pain was reduced dramatically. After the end of the trial, his posture was corrected (left image) and his facial symmetry was realigned (right image). All of this was done without any surgical procedures!
We attempted this trial with many more participants and received similar results from almost everyone who participated. By simply bringing the jaw to its correct position during sleep and opening the airway passages, the body was brought back to a state of equilibrium and the evidence clearly showed GODSUMM works!
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By keeping the lips pressed together and the jaws closed, contracted airways will naturally reopen, snoring will be prevented, mouth breathing habits will be eliminated, and side effects of nasal breathing will be reduced. All of these benefits will compound when used long-term.
During use, the lips will not dry out, airborne bacteria and viruses will be filtered out, increase in oxygen flow to the brain and lungs to allow for deep sleep. It can also reduce the number of trips to the bathroom at night.
Teeth grinding can reduce the quality of sleep and can cause you to be drowsy even after you’ve slept for long hours. With GODSUMM, the tongue is gently pressed against the roof of the mouth and the lips are pressed together to prevent these negative effects.
We know that good sleep is key to having a good day. All of the symptoms that GODSUMM is meant to care is meant to drastically increase your sleep quality. Whether it's snoring, sleep apnea, or bathroom trips, GODSUMM has your back!
As we mentioned previously, the first prototypes of GODSUMM were used in clinical trials. To our surprise, we discovered that over time, our strips helped restore facial symmetry. The male participant above (x-ray shots) started using our tapes in 2013 and by 2017 the difference was clear!
For all you mouth breathers, you probably have a really bad case of cotton mouth in the morning. This happens because as your breathe, the air that passes through your mouth removes all the moisture. GODSUMM will keep your mouth closed and after a couple of months you'll notice that your mouth will stay closed without the help of GODSUMM! This because your jaws will redevelop the habit of staying together even when you're sleeping.
The picture on the left is a participant in the clinical trial that had the "head forward posture" mentioned above. Without the need of chiropractic treatment or surgery, his posture was naturally corrected simply by using GODSUMM!
Our nasal passages are natural filters against various forms of bacteria and viruses that can cause infections. Breathing through your mouth for hours as you sleep gets rid of this natural defense system. GODSUMM ensures nose breathing throughout the night so that the mucus membranes in your nose work vigorously to exert antimicrobial and antibiotic cells to strengthen your immune system.
As GODSUMM promotes nasal breathing, more oxygen is supplied to the lungs and the brain, which stimulates blood circulation throughout the body. This helps to reduce muscle cramping and prevents the bladder from shrinking during sleep.
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Pain that originates in the jaw and the joints can become worse if you sleep with your mouth open because it gives your jaws more room to move throughout the night. For those with jaw or jaw joint pain, because GODSUMM gently holds your jaw together and prevents you from sleeping with your mouth wide open, you can minimize the pain that occurs within this region. |
The lips are pressed together and the lower jaw is pulled up to close the mouth. As a result, the airways are widened which prevents snoring and allows you to sleep deeply. This simple act of keeping the jaw gently pressed together will also provide long term benefits mentioned above!
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Mouth Breathers during sleep |
For mouth breathers, as you’re sleeping, dust and germs combine together with the air in your mouth, which can pollute various organs and cells to ultimately weaken your immune system. |
Nose Breathers during sleep |
For nose breathers, there is a reduction in the influx of bacteria and viruses as you sleep and simultaneously protects the lungs through sterilizing, humidifying and dehumidifying functions. This will ultimately strengthen your immune system and helps to supply more oxygen throughout your body. |
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When breathing through the nose, the mucus and nose hairs initially filter out harmful substances from the air entering the nostrils. The aspirated air slowly escapes through the winding, narrow passage of the nose, helping the lungs extract a lot of oxygen. In addition, distorted airways are reopened, which prevents snoring and also strengthens the immune system. |
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I was able to sleep deeply after using this product! – Gabrielle Mosbe |
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After my husband started using the GODSUMM I noticed a clear drop in his snoring levels. I definitely recommend this amazing product to everyone! – Kara M. |
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Since I can use it right before I go to bed it wasn’t uncomfortable and after a short time I didn’t even notice I had it on. I ended up adjusting quickly and slept great! – Eliza Ogde. |
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I finally realized why people said nasal breathing was beneficial to my health. After I woke up I felt energized and even realized that I had no morning breath! - Zack Williams |
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GODSUMM is a product that is the culmination of our experience and research. I am a dentist with a degree in mechanical engineering and have personally experienced the negative effects of snoring, sleep apnea, teeth grinding, excessive nighttime bathroom trips, and jaw joint pain.
I have tried various products on the market but was not been able to find a solution that could bring about tangible and long lasting results so I developed a product to help those who have suffered what I have gone through.
One instance that greatly motivated my drive to bring GODSUMM to life was when one of our participants notified us that he no longer had panic attacks during the night as he slept. His doctor discovered that his restricted airways limited the amount of oxygen that he was receiving and that triggered his night time panic attacks. With GODSUMM, he was able to sleep soundly and I was able to clearly see that this was something that more people needed access to!
At the request of my patients at my dental clinic, I began to conduct years of research and finally developed GODSUMM, the product that will help you obtain the best sleep possible.
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Risks and challenges |
If you have sensitive skin, we recommend using GODSUMM after applying enough lotion or cream depending on your skin type.
If you notice initially that the GODSUMM has fallen off in the morning, it’s probably because of the shape of your face. This is completely fine. Your face will adjust to GODSUMM after repeated use and you will notice the effects not long after.
If you have a thick beard, we recommend shaving it and then using GODSUMM.